Saturday, May 17, 2014

Never having been a part of an online community prior to this I have been blown away by the amount of support on the forum. I am proud to call my Venus sisters my friends, and I have been so grateful for their support

 Venus Factor

Dominique D.
Vital Stats: Age 37, weight lost 7 lbs., inches lost: 4" on waist, 2" on hips.
I was looking for something simple but real. Not just a quick fix, but a way of life that would fit into my life. I found that in the venus factor. I like that there is science behind it, it is not just a fad or trend, I can approach it on my terms.
Bottom line, this is the first program I have followed through with long term. I am learning to integrate it into my life slowly, and while I am not all the way to my ideal venus metrics yet, I am working towards it at a pace that has me confident that this is a new way of life for me!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Before Venus Factor I was ashamed of even taking a bikini picture, today people are asking ME what to do to get in shape.

 venus factor

Molly P.
I was an athlete in college. I played a lot of tennis and had a strict diet regime. But after college things started falling apart and I gained a lot of weight.
Later I had a lot of health issues related to hormones in the body so I did a lot of research on diet and fitness and found Eat Stop Eat and read it. I contacted Brad Pilon and asked him a lot of questions about my concerns.
Then I learned about the Venus Factor and tried the workouts. I found the community forum very helpful. Through the community I found that everything about diet and workouts is mostly mental. Every question I ever had was answered in the forum.
I got ideas from other girls in the community and tried everything they tried. A lot of things that worked for others didn’t work for me. I had to put the scale and tape measure away and know I was doing everything in my power to succeed by estimating my calories and sticking with the workouts. I didn’t just do Venus workout, I also played tennis and a lot of other activities.
The community provides the option to talk to the like minded people, who are not going to judge you and are on the same page as you, and have same goals as you.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The community is amazing. I was scared that those girls will be somehow too extreme, but what I have found out that they are all intelligent, same minded women that are willing to help each other out

 venus factor

Elisa M.
At one time in my life I was close to 180 pounds.
Despite the fact that I was eating “clean” and “healthy foods” during the day and everybody viewed me as the healthy food expert, I wasn’t very happy with my weight.
Then when I searched for a better way of doing this I stumbled across the Venus Factor.
The Venus system is amazing. The approach logical and it makes so much sense. It’s more flexible and simpler than anything I have tried in my life so far.
And the community is amazing. I was scared that those girls will be somehow too extreme, but what I have found out that they are all intelligent, same minded women that are willing to help each other out.
This finally worked and the Venus team know what they are talking about.